
I am a practitioner in massages-well-being approved since 2007 by the French Federation of massages-well-being ( ffmbe.fr ). I practise:
- The ayurvedic massages (Indians),
- The shiatsu (Japanese),
- The Tuina ( Chinese),
- Lomi-Lomi ( hawaîen )
I am also approved in manual therapies (Osteopathy and reflexology) by the international, partner ASCA of mutual Cape Verde and gift boxes Dakotabox.
My trainings(formations) and my experience(experiment) since 2007 allowed me to develop protocols of my own of massage in adequacy with my sensibility, my felt according to the massed(massaged) people.


My massage in biological oil, is a set of several massages. He(it) leans on protocols already proved as the ayurvedic massage (Indian), the massage Tuina (Chinese), the psychotherapeutic massage, the Lomi Lomi ( Hawaîen) and especially the experience(experiment) of the palpation acquired in osteopathy and in reflexology.

Then do not look in my massage for a protocol which you already know, give way and be allowed concern by the contact of my hands your skin.

I find at every person the muscle spasms, the points of stress, the painful points, that they are of physical or psychological order.

My objective is to return all the mobility to your body, the muscular relaxation and especially to make you reach your release grip(taking) and in your relaxation.


Last edited: 15/10/2024

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